Our Investing Principles
We are fiduciaries.
We are bound by law to act in your best interests.
We take an evidence-based approach to investing.
Our investment philosophy is supported by decades of evidence-based research.
We focus on optimal after-tax returns.
We believe in tax-efficient investing to maximize after-tax returns.
We believe in what you CAN control.
Diversification, asset allocation, and low-cost investments are key drivers of performance.
We focus on truths, not hype.
We help our clients with financial discipline, including not listening to the media so they can focus on what is real, and controllable.
We are unbiased financial.
We have zero ties to financial solutions providers and money managers.
We are transparent.
We provide clear explanation of the remuneration for all of our services and implemented financial solutions.
We are thorough.
We track, manage, and re-engineer your investment portfolio as your life changes.